Sunday 30 October 2016

Spooky Week Day 7- The Ultimate Challenge

So, this is it. The scariest night is here. What will we be making today?
Drumroll please

Can you handle the suspense?

We are going to use all of the parts that we made and put them together into a Halloween wreath to put on your door!

You will need: Glue, a hole punch and some string.

1. Take one of the triangles that you made and open it up.

2. Put glue on half of the white part of the origami paper. Place another triangle on the glued area.

3. Fold the part of the triangle over so it overlaps the other part.

4. Repeat this with all of the other triangles until you get a wreath shape.

5. Take all of your origami pieces and stick them onto the wreath.

6. Holepunch the top of the wreath and tie the string so you can hang it up on your door or your door handle.

And you are done! Some of the origami steps were not easy so if you managed, well done! I hope you enjoyed my first Spooky Week. Please send me a picture of your wreath by the blog email or by Google Plus, I would love to see them! Please 1+ this post, follow me on Google+ to know when I next post, like , or reshare this post as it really helps me out. 

Lauren and I hope you all have a happy Halloween and that you enjoyed doing origami with us!

Saturday 29 October 2016

Spooky Week Day 6- Mysterious Mystery???

Today, we will be making something different. This is the build up to the last final day!

You will need: 8 sheets of paper. If you want a Halloweeny colour scheme, have 4 sheets of orange and black. However, if you are like me and only have bright colours, use bright colours.

1. Fold the paper in half, open it up and repeat with the other side so you have a folded cross in the middle.
2. Fold 3 of the corners into the center

3. Fold the corner down into the other corner.

4. Repeat all of these steps with the other 7 sheets of paper.

So, what do you think we are making? Put your guesses in the comments section below and tomorrow we will see what it is. So tomorrow, we will be putting everything we have made together. Please 1+ and subscribe if you want to see more origami posts, I really do appreciate it.
So the final day will be upon us, come back and join me for the grand finale!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Spooky Week Day 5- Haunted Hats

No need to fear, Day 5 is here! Today we will be making haunted hats! How spooky!

You will need: black origami paper. I am using a quarter of the black origami paper that I found the other day. Again, like all of the other days, feel free to use other colours if you want to.

1. Fold the paper in half so you get a triangle. Open it up again.

2. Fold the edges so they meet the center line.

3. Fold the white part of the paper up so you get a triangle shape.

4. Fold the bottom of the triangle up and then repeat to form the bottom of the hat.

5. Flip the hat over so the bottom now faces the top.

6. You can glue the hat onto something else we have made this week so far. Here's a ghost with the hat!

I hope you enjoyed making hats today. Please 1+ this post as it really helps me out. Tomorrow we will be making something slightly different, how mysterious.
So, I'll see you guys all tomorrow for the penultimate day of Spoooooky Week!

Spooky Week Day 4- Wicked Witches

Double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Are you all looking forward to another day of spooktastic origami? Today we will be making witches!

You will need: black origami paper (yes, I found a sheet of black origami paper!). I found that using one whole sheet will make a very large witch face so I only used a quarter of it. But if you want a large witch, then feel free to use a full sheet.

1. Fold the sheet in half and open it up again

2. Fold the edges so they meet the middle

3. Fold the bottom white corner so it is near the top black corner.

4. Fold the pentagon shape back down so you start the make the shape of the hat.

5. Flip the paper so the back is facing up. Fold the edges to shape the face a bit more.

6. On the part marked 1, open the tiny pocket up and fold it down

7. Draw a face on the witch. 

And voila! You have made an origami witch! I hope you enjoyed making them. Tomorrow we will be making origami hats. If you enjoyed this, please 1+ this post or follow me on Google + so you know when I publish the next post. 
Well folks, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Spooky Week Day 3- Creepy Cats

Hello everyone! I hope that you are enjoying Spooky Week, the spookiest night of all nights soon approaches but we will soon be ready!

You will need: Origami paper. As we are making a cat, you may wish to use black paper although I have a slight confession. 

I ran out of black paper (I'm so sorry everyone :(  For this, I will be using brown paper)

1. Fold the paper in half and in half again so you make a triangle shape. Open it up completely after you have made the folds

2. Fold the sides into the middle so the edges meet the center line.

3. Have the corner of the triangle meet the center line as you fold it.

4. Fold the longer pointy side at the middle in a zig zag shape.

5. Fold the whole thing in half lengthways

6. Fold in an upwards diagonal direction. 

7. This is the tricky step. Remember how we folded the whole piece in half in step 5? Take the side closer to you and open it up. Take the top corner and fold it downwards like in the picture.

8. Open up the piece and take triangle sticking out. Fold it upwards and as you do that, fold the side of the body back down like in the picture to form the tail. (The next 2 pictures are just different ways of approaching this step)

9. Take the bottom pointy part and fold them backwards like in the picture.

10. Take the bottom corner of the vaguely round shape and fold it backwards to hide it

11. Fold the dotted line that has the number 1 next to it backwards. And then fold the dotted line with the number 2 next to it forward. This is basically another zig zag fold to make the ears of the cat.

12. Draw a face on the cat!
And now you are done!I hope you enjoyed making cats, I hope that it did not end in a paper based CAT-astrophe! If you have made the cat, please send me a picture of it by email of Google Plus, I would love to see your catty creations.

Well folks, I will see you all tomorrow for more origami fun!