Tuesday 27 September 2016

Morinaga caramels

Hi guys, how are you all? I'm doing very well at the moment, everything so far has been fine. So, I thought that this would be a fun short post about one of the objects in the short film Mei and the Kittenbus

Its the box of caramels that Mei is holding.
From the Official Studio Ghibli Book, Mei and the Kittenbus

And you may be thinking why? Why would you write a post on just a box of caramels? Well, fellow Ghiblievers (is that the name of the Studio Ghibli fanbase? I really don't know) I actually found some in an Asian supermarket.

As I bought it in the UK, it has slightly different packaging to the original from Japan. I did get the matcha flavoured one because I thought 'Why not?' I have had the original but I bought it a long time ago when I went to Japan a couple of years ago.

The box 

I tried it and it was amazing. I guess you could say that I loved it just as much as Ponyo loves ham. (Yes, I am slowly running out of creativity for these puns) If you find this in the shops, you should get some, you will not regret it.

As one final thing, I do like this little touch on the side. If you throw the wrapper away, the bin will be very happy!
The happy bin :)

So I hope that you enjoyed this mini post. What do you think the Studio Ghibli Fan base should be called? Can you come up with any Ghibli based puns? Leave your thoughts on this in the comments and I will happily read them to see all the creativity. If you liked this post, give this post a 1+ or follow me on Google+ to know when I next post something. Otherwise, have a great day!

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