About me

私のブログへようこそ!Thats Japanese for 'Welcome to my blog!' I'm a Japanese girl living in the UK who enjoys writing about Japan and its culture.

Important info
I will add attributions in the caption if the photo is not mine.
If I am using your photo and you would like me to remove it, I will
If the photo is mine, there will not be an attribution.
If you would like to use one of my photos, please ask me and put an attribution to me in the caption
I have also done some drawings on my blog, I do not own the characters, they belong to the creator, I only own the drawings.
If you choose to follow this blog by email, no one including me can see your email

Feedback is always welcome!
I hope that you enjoy reading about Japan (and groan at the terrible puns that may be there :D )

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for your Blog. I love Japan and Studios Ghibli as well, so I fell have encountered a second home :)