Sunday 20 September 2015


This is about the Rugby World Cup match with Japan going against South Africa. If you do not want spoilers, watch the match first and then come back, ok?

Are you back? Ok, lets begin!
Just to say, this is just a post that is expressing my confusion
On Saturday 19th September, the Brave Blossoms played against the Springboks in the Rugby World Cup. Japan is not a Rugby team that is considered strong at all, they have never won a match in the World Cup.

They won 34-32! What!?

I was camping with school when I found out. A teacher came over to tell us the suprising results of the match and there was a massive whatsplosion at the campsite. No one expected it. No one could have predicted it. As I am Japanese, you would think that I would be really happy that Japan won but I spent five minutes just thinking "What!?" and trying to take in what had happened.

Japan is not generally amazing at sports that involve strength apart from gymnastics. The average body size is just not adapted for sports that mainly use strength. But after watching the match, they did do more than their best against the two time world champion, South Africa.

I am looking forward to their next match against Scotland, this Wednesday. Perhaps this was the start of many wins against other teams? Go Brave Blossoms!!!πŸ‰πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈ

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