Tuesday 1 September 2015

Have a break, read about the Kit Kat!

The Kit Kat was invented in York, England in 1988 and popularised around the world. Some countries enjoyed them so much, so they developed flavours that would appeal to the people in that country. One country that did that was Japan!

Fun fact: When you say Kit Kat in Japanese, it sounds like kitto katsu, which means 'you will probably win'. Kit Kats are very popular gifts for students taking important exams.

Japan is particularly famous for their more unusual flavours of Kit Kat. Here is my list of some on the flavours. I would name them all but there are more than 200 flavours but I will name a few.

Passion fruit

Here are some more unusual ones;

Salt and caramel
Green tea

And here are some REALLY unusual flavours;

Red bean soup
Black sugar
Ginger ale
Blueberry cheesecake
Soy sauce

And in England, they have;

Dark chocolate
White chocolate
Cookies and cream

When it comes to flavours, Japanese manufacturers really do not limit themselves at all!
Leave a comment about your favorite flavour of Kit Kat (Japanese or not).

In 2014, Japan released a bakeable type of Kit Kat! Japanese Kit Kats have reached a new level!
Here is a video on the baking process!

Note: If you do not have an oven toaster, you can use a grill.

As I had some in the house, I decided to bake them!
This is what the packet looks like! These Kit Kats are Creme Brûlée flavoured.

And this the Kit Kat in its packet
Kit Kat before.
Slighlty burnt out Kit Kat after.

My opinion: They are very very tasty and really taste of creme brûlée. I would recommend this to anyone! If you are in Japan now or are going to in the future, this is one souvenir that you want to bring back with you.

If you are around in Japan, go to Ikebukuro. Visit the world's first Kit Kat Store where they only sell a small number of flavours of Kit Kat that cannot be purchased anywhere else. They also have new flavours every season so there is always something new there if you go again. I will leave details at the bottom.

Here is a video on the Kit Kat Chocolatory by YouTuber Sharla. She is a Canadian YouTuber who currently lives in Japan. Her videos are always really good so, subscribe to her videos if you are looking for videos about Japan. She speaks in English but there are Japanese subtitles.

Tip: Go early! As demand for the chocolate is large, some flavours will sell out very very quickly.

I hope that this post about Kit Kats hasn't made you too hungry. Please subscribe and follow this blog if you want to read more posts about Japanese food. 

Address: Seibu Department Store, 1-28-1 Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku

Click this link to go to Google maps.

How to get there: Go to JR Ikebukuro Station (JR stands for Japan Railway) by train or underground/metro/tube (whichever word that you use). Follow the signs for Seibu Exit in the station. You will notice the Kit Kat Chocolatory signs at the Seibu entrance or the vibrant advertising on the pillars. Its in the basement of the department store.

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