Tuesday 21 July 2015

Summer in Japan- Temperature

As I have more time in the summer holiday, I am able to make more blog posts. I thought that I could post on an aspect of summer in Japan nearly everyday (hopefully). So this is my first post for my Summer in Japan series. Today, I am going to write about the heat and the temperature in Japan.

  • Average temperatures can vary from 21C to 30C
  • The heat starts to rise from June to August
  • As well as the high temperatures, it is also very humid
  • The temperature can exceed 30C
  • The highest temperature ever recorded in Japan was 41C in Shimanto, Kochi prefecture on August 12 2013
  • In the summer, it seems very hot but there is usually air conditioning in buildings so you only feel the heat when you go outside.
  • But in Japan, it might not cool down in urban areas. This is because, ( here is the sciency bit) all light is absorbed by black surfaces and no light is absorbed by white surfaces. Most buildings in the urban areas of Japan are dark so a large amount of light is absorbed. When light is absorbed, it is converted into heat energy. This heat energy is released and warms up the whole city. At night, the heat cannot escape quickly because it is trapped in the city.
  • There are also other ways of keeping cool but I will mention them in other Summer in Japan posts

Ever since I moved to England, I have not been to Japan in the summer. I really want to go to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics but I think that I will get sunstroke and hyperthermia. I hate the heat.

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